Tuesday 3 February 2015

Getting there...

Training has continued to go well apart from a little mishap that occurred almost 2 weeks ago. I was using my new hex bar and doing deadlift partials and after finishing the session off, I tried to take the weight off the bar (which I had precariously balanced on an aerobic step on one side and the power cage on the other). As it lay there teetering to one side I convinced myself it would be fine and I could negotiate the 15KG plate no problem... errrr... NO! The whole thing (weighing about 40KG at this point) came crashing down on my finger and I literally sat there in floods of tears unable to move for what seemed like an age. I eventually pulled myself together and got downstairs but I was in absolute agony. Immediately my finger tip was red raw and the rest of it went blue. I didn't know what to do or where to put myself and I cried for a whole hour. Yes, I admit it, I'm a girlie wimp! This is what my finger looked like the next day....
I swear to God it was just pure agony and I walked around for two days trying not to get anything anywhere near it. Miraculously however, on the third day (a day after this was taken) it was almost back to the correct skin colour with only the very tip of the finger looking a sort of speckled maroon colour. It still hurts now, but only if I press it or put too much pressure on it when doing weights. I'm definitely going to lose the nail at some point as it feels very weird. I have felt that weirdness before... Before I looked after my feet correctly and would lose toenails after marathons etc.

Anyway... enough of the gore! Training is going marvellously and I am getting PBs in everything I do. Even running. Who'd have thought! Some sessions I know I am PBing in because the Garmin gives a faster speed than I've done before, but some I know I'm doing better in only because I've never had the treadmill at such a high speed but the Garmin says I'm going slower. For instance, I did level 8.2 on the treadmill (and I've never gone beyond 8 before) however the Garmin says I'm doing about 7.30mm pace when the treaddie on level 8 previously said I was doing 7mm pace. This has not deterred me as I just think I finally have a way of recording everything properly now. I know I'm improving so nothing else matters.

I've just done some squats and yet again got a PB. It's definitely all down to my better attitude though... unless becoming tee total really HAS made this much of a difference. Either way... I'm getting there!

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